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This site provides users with two opportunities:

  • To read and evaluate arguments made by others.  This is done by reading two posts, each written about the same topic, that have been matched-up against each other. The reader then votes as to which argument he/she feels is the most convincing.

  • To submit an argument about a given topic, with the intention that the post will be matched up with another post written about the same topic.  Readers will then compare the two arguments in the matchup and vote as to which they find most convincing. Once the voting ends, your post will be matched-up against a series of other posts.


    • The posts are randomly matched up with other posts in order to avoid a situation in which you have one poster responding directly to another post, which would mean that poster has access to more information than the original poster had.

    • The arguments in the two posts being matched-up may oppose each other, they may both argue in support of the topic, they may both argue against the topic, or they may offer arguments both for and against the topic.  However, only one of the two posts can be more convincing.

    • After you select a match-up here, you simply read both posts and then place your vote.

    • Vote for the post that you feel is the most convincing of the two. That is the only criteria you should use.  Do not take into consideration the post's grammar or spelling.  Do not vote for a post simply because it represents your personal views on the topic.  Vote simply for the post that provided the most convincing arguments in support of its position.

    • After a topic has closed, the post with the most match-up wins will be selected.


    • After you select a topic here, write a post about the topic and email it to the site's author.

    • The post can range in length from a few sentences to several pages.  Please limit it to 4,000 words. Most posts will be less than a page in length.

    • Your objective is to answer the question posed by the topic (for example, Is abortion right or wrong?) You can answer in support of the topic (for example, abortion is right), against the topic (for example, abortion is wrong)  or you can provide a mixed argument (for example, some aspect of abortion are right but some are wrong).  Your main objective is simply to be as convincing as you can, since that's the criteria that's used to compare your post versus the post you are matched against.  Voters are not supposed to take into consideration your post's grammar or spelling.  Also, they are not supposed to vote for a post simply because it represents their personal views on the topic. 


    • Voting on each match-up will end once the poll's remaining time expires.

    • Posts will then be randomly shuffled and matched against another post.

      • Once numerous match-ups have occurred within a particular topic, the post that has won the most match-ups will be declared the winner of that topic. 

      • For example, if there are a total of ten posts written about abortion, each post would be matched against each of the other nine posts.  This would create ninety match-ups.  After voting on all ninety match-ups is complete, the winner will be the post that was voted as being the winner most often out of the match-ups.  Before all ninety match-ups are complete, readers can follow the voting success of the posts in the meantime.


      Readers now have two options:

      1) If you want to rate match-ups (or just read them), choose from the entire selection here.
          (If you want to rate only the latest match-ups, go here).

      2) If you're like to write a post yourself, go here.  Once we post it for you, it will be matched-up and rated