Review the following topics, and choose a topic you'd like to write about:
An unlimited number of people can write about the same topic.
Political / Social Issues
Should any people within society be restricted from voting?
Is abortion right or wrong?
What do you think of Obama?
Who tends to be smarter on average, liberals or conservatives?
Which president was worse: George W. Bush or Obama?
Is liberalism progressive?
What do you think of gay marriage?
Who’s the best home-run hitter ever?
Who’s the best boxer ever?
Who’s the best hockey player ever?
Do you prefer boxing or mixed martial arts?
Who’s the best fighter in the UFC?
Is the USA losing its financial dominance among the world?
Should blacks be paid slavery reparations?
What were the main causes of the economic crash of 2008?
Is it condescending to hyphenate racial groups? (For example, African-Americans)
What are the most important characteristics of someone whom you would want a relationship with?
Is it better to be married or single?
Current issues
Do you think that airport pat-downs should occur?
Should Iran’s nuclear facilities be attacked by either the USA or Israel?
Other Topics
Do you think it's ok to generalize about certain groups?
If you want to write about a topic not listed above, simply write the post and provide me with the topic's headline, and I will include it on the site! Please provide me with a username that I can identify you with.
The post should range in length from a few sentences to several pages. Please limit it to 4,000 words. Most posts will be less than a page in length.
Submit your post to the site author's email at:
Your objective is to answer the question posed by the topic (for example, Is abortion right or wrong?) You can answer in support of the topic (for example, abortion is right), against the topic (for example, abortion is wrong) or you can provide a mixed argument (for example, some aspect of abortion are right but some are wrong). Your main objective is simply to be as convincing as you can, since that's the criteria that's used to compare your post versus the post you are matched against. Voters are not supposed to take into consideration your post's grammar or spelling. Also, they are not supposed to vote for a post simply because it represents their personal views on the topic.
Once I receive your post, it will appear on the site shortly.
It will be matched up randomly against another post.
The matchup will then appear here, where readers will compare your post versus another reader's post.
Once the matchup has been rated enough times, your post will be randomly matched against another post, and that matchup will also appear here.